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This Stage - A Poem

The core of this poem came to me as I notice how nothing I own or have in the physical remains mine for long and in that moment I saw everything that was solid for what it was.


This Stage

This stage Our life lands upon Polished by the foot falls And grease paint Of heroes and heroines Our forbears forbearance To shine in the lime light Only to dissappear In a puff, a short explosive breath Of the grand illusionists smoke

This stage With its clutter And collection of props Some being valued Simply because they were here Before we took our place Others because of how they Make the leading role feel

Custom wood castles Veneered vestibules Doors and hallways we enter Stage left Convinced, spell bound Enraptured, lost To that lime light And the audience applause Pursuing cues from those who Join us in drama or comedy

Seeking, seeking, seeking That self Within this play Looking for the actor in the act

To discover We are not the player We are not these props We are not even the role we have Jealously sort and guarded

For not a single one will matter Not one be of a care When we take the final exit stage right For none will leave with us

And if As in some colorful school production You stumble, forgetting your lines You may glance to those wings And notice a world of love Whispering, reminding, a prompt or two

So which is more real The scene, the set, the stage Those props we seek, covet and carry The cast who bring high drama Plot twist, acrimony or love The momentary applause Of an enraptured audience As certain as you That this show is bona-fide Irrefutable and true

Or those who whisper in the wings Reminding us of who lights this podium The role we may briefly hold And how temporal These painted backgrounds Bright facades and Pop up sets Are

But if you go And gaze beyond your dais Pause in your monolog Push through that 4th wall You may glimse That wise old bards truth 'All the world is a stage... And upon it we get to shine And share

Till little by little Line by line Act by act Life time by lifetime We drop the role for the real And create a new story With all who choose to be their Self.




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